zondag 30 september 2012

A thought; an ideology . . . .

A thought; an ideology
is like a petal
Colorful and fascinating
so vulnerable and fragile

Blossomed from a seed
vibrating in a tangible touch
in the layers of consciousnesses
on the resonance of my Heart

Gabriel Montañez de Bandera – September 2012

Une pensée; une idéologie
est comme un pétale
Coloré et fascinant
si vulnérable et fragile

Au sortir d'une graine
vibrant dans un touché tangible
dans des couches de consciences
sur la résonance de mon Coeur

Gabriel Montañez de Bandera – Septembre 2012

Een gedachte(ngoed)
is als een bloemenblaadje
Kleurrijk en fascinerend
zo kwetsbaar en fragile

Ontluikend uit een zaadje
vibreert het tastbaar in aanraking
in lagen van bewustzijn
op de resonantie van mijn Hart

Gabriel Montañez de Bandera – september 2012

donderdag 20 september 2012

Spiritual – Spirituality for the 'New Paradigm' . . . .

       Transition Art – You Are The Apple Of My Kind – The Great Force – 2012 - GMdB

:: Spiritual – Spirituality ::

A possible new vocabulary for the 'New Paradigm' in relation to the words 'spiritual' and 'spirituality'. Main break and Free prefixes for a Spiritual Linguist :

Spiritaneous – Spiritaneously – Spiritaneousity

- spontaneous about everything in relation to The Great Spirit

Spiritransensitive – Spiritransensitivity

- receptive as well as sensitive for transformation of your inner mind and spirit

Spiritransformative – Spiritransformativity

- ability and openness for transformation of your inner mind and spirit

Spiritransual – Spiritransuality

- possibility to transform your inner mind and spirit

Spiritrancsessible – Spiritrancsessibility

- sensitive to the possibility to transform your inner mind and spirit in a transcendent way towards the New Paradigm

Spiritranscious – Spiritransciousness

- ability and a great fascination for the transcendent transformation-proces of your inner spirit's consciousness